Young, Smart and Insured Part 1: Covering The Kiwi Dream
When we think of the way insurance is portrayed, images of retired rugby players walking across beaches or working on the farm spring to mind, and that’s how it’s usually marketed – towards an older generation. But during your mid to late twenties, you are setting the foundations for your life and ensuring stability for your future – and it’s important that you safe guard yourself so it all doesn’t collapse from under you.
Examining the Basics
Examining insurance for people under thirty could easily be summarized into two polices: Travel Insurance for the big O.E, or Contents Insurance just in case you drop your brand new I-Phone or lose those valuable items in a robbery or fire. These are the basic Insurances most under 25’s have – and we don’t bat an eye at what else is available. But as you head into your mid to late twenties that’s the prime time to take risks in life, to throw things at the wall to see if they stick, and figure out your true calling.
Small Business, Big Responsibility
As the job market shifts more young people are choosing to start their own businesses or work from home. The dream of being your own boss, taking your work on the road, and getting paid for what you love – it’s as kiwi as socks and jandals.
As picture perfect as these dreams are, it’s important to make sure you have covered all your bases so that no unforeseen circumstances pull the rug from under your feet. When starting your first business or establishing yourself as a freelance worker, you are putting yourself in a position of responsibility to yourself, the people you work for, and the people you may employ.
Backing the Business
Business insurance can cover your start up in many different ways, starting off with the two core parts of your Business: The creative hub and the products it produces. Property Insurance covers the work place from natural disasters and fire so you can keep the business rolling while repairs are made, and Business Asset Insurance can cover your stock if it is damaged or wiped out by unforeseen events.
A Loss Won’t Mean You Lose.
A significant loss to small businesses assets can significantly hinder the way a business survives – the last thing a new business needs is to be out of stock or in the dark for weeks or months, but luckily there are insurance options for ever unforeseen event.
Stock Damage and theft insurance covers the costs of damaged and stolen product, but also replacing locks and adding extra security. Loss of Revenue insurance can help cover the income lost due to disaster-related closing of the business facility or due to the rebuilding process after a disaster and Plant & Equipment insurance can cover the tools of the trade: lap-tops, phones etc.
Business Cover, While You Recover
Finally, it’s important to cover your business financially if anything should happen to you that might take you out of work for a while. Debt Protection provides your business with the necessary funds to keep on top of your loan repayments and bills that all small business occurs at the beginning.
For the Right Advice, Talk to an Advisor
Making sure your business, and the dream, can survive in the long run should be your main priority – and making sure that it is structured to your individual aspirations are exactly what insurance advisors are there for. With a free consultation and no obligation quote you are taking the first steps in ensuring that your dream and business will provide and grow with you.