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Considering Refinancing? Let us Do All the Heavy Lifting

Deciding to refinance can be a big decision, one that makes you very attractive to the banks which can leave you inundated with offers. Knowing how and why to refinancing could be right for you is important, the key is to decrease debt remember so it’s smart to have everything evaluated correctly to save you money.

At PFSL we will crunch the numbers and evaluate whether the savings derived from the new structure is worth the trouble or not. We will propose a personal structure and show you if the costs/benefits are worth the risk of breaking your existing mortgage.

Refinancing an Existing Mortgage

Breaking a mortgage can be a scary thought, as there are many consequences and changes that come with it. So approaching it in a smart and professional manner so you don’t walk into the dark, or lose any sleep is important – and that’s where we come in.

Here’s How it Works

  1. Find out from your bank what your current mortgage break costs are.
  2. Come and see us and we will crunch the numbers and evaluate whether the savings derived from the new structure is worth the trouble or not.
  3. You do not have to commit to anything as we work for you. You will not be charged any fee for this evaluation.
  4. We will propose a structure and show you if the costs/benefits are worth the risk of breaking your existing mortgage. It is that easy.

Refinancing a Mortgage (End of Fixed Term)

Your fixed term mortgage commitment with the bank is coming to an end and you are looking at fixing for another term. Give us an opportunity to find the savings to pay your mortgage sooner. We will provide the best possible mortgage advice and will work along with you to pay the mortgage faster.

Here’s how it works

  1. Find out the loan balance on your mortgage and get the best possible rate from your bank
  2. Come and see us and we will discuss a plan and find the costs savings to pay your mortgage faster. We won’t charge a fee to work this out for you.
  3. On acceptance of this proposal, we will go ahead and switch the mortgage for you. We do the paperwork for you, it is completely hassle-free.